Remarkable Cave

Home | South East, TAS

Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service

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Remarkable Cave is a must-see Aussie Bucket List natural attraction located just 90 minutes drive from Hobart, Tasmania. Enjoy the vista from Maignon Bay Lookout of the rugged southern coastline before descending the steps to the spectacular Remarkable Cave.

From the car park it's a short, accessible walk to the large viewing platform where you will find exceptional views of Penguin Rocks and the bay. Wild waves pound away at the coastal rock below to create this dramatic coastline. You may be lucky and see a resident sea eagle soaring high above you, or a passing whale on its migration.

From the central car park, descend the 115 steps to view the aptly named Remarkable Cave. You'll be surrounded by steep, ancient sandstone cliffs​ and view the cave from the custom-designed platform at the base.

The tunnel-shaped cave was formed through years of torment from crashing waves, eventually causing a wall of the sandstone cave to collapse and create the tunnel that stands today. Some of the collapsed rock from the cave can still be seen at the base of the cliffs.

At certain times of year, the waves rush through the tunnel creating a thrilling spectacle for those lucky enough to witness it. Be prepared to get a little wet!

From the carpark a number of walking options are available. To the east are walking tracks to Maingon Blowhole (1 hr 30 mins return), Mount Brown (4 hr return) and Crescent Bay​ (4 hr return). ​

​Tasman National Park is located in the south-eastern corner of Tasmania. It's a 90-minute drive on sealed roads from Hobart via Sorell on the A3, and then the A9 (Arthur Highway) toward Port Arthur.

The park straddles both the Tasman and Forestier peninsulas, however most of its accessible features are on the Tasman Peninsula.

Access to the south-western part of the park is also via the Arthur Highway (A9), then following Safety Cove Road at Port Arthur township to access Remarkable Cave, walking tracks to Maingon Blowhole, Mount Brown and Crescent Bay.

Where possible, please avoid driving in our reserves at night. You are sharing the roads with our native wildlife, so take it slow and watch out for animals on the road.

Important Information

  • Always do some research before heading out for your journey. Visit the parks website for up to date information on the current conditions.
  • Stay safe and get the most out of your park visit by preparing for natural hazards and other outdoor risks. You are responsible for your own safety and the safety of those in your care.
  • Wear suitable footwear and ensure to wear appropriate clothing to protect yourself from the elements..
  • Plan ahead and ensure to take enough food and water for your journey.
  • Always stay on the marked tracks where possible. Never climb fences, they are there for your own safety.
  • Please consider the environment, take your rubbish with you or place in the bins provided. We want to ensure these beautiful places are still here for our future generations to enjoy.
  • Ensure to let a responsible adult know of your plans and report back into them once you have finished exploring for the day.
  • National park and camping fees apply for Tasmanian National Parks. Check the parks website for bookings and/ or further details.
  • Weather conditions in Tasmania can change quickly and frequently, especially in alpine areas. Snow, rain, wind and sun are all possible at any time of the year, and bush fires can occur between October and March.

Photo credits: Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Services

Location & Supplier

Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service

Address: 7182/446 Safety Cove Rd, Port Arthur TAS 7182


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